


搜尋PWM , 共找到 7 筆
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培訓  學習  影片長度 - 5:59
為大家介紹二個 PWM 的 Sample Code: ● 第一個 PWM 的 Sample Code,主要是動態改變 PWM 1 的輸出 duty ,讓 LED 做出呼吸燈的效果。 ● 第二個 PWM 的 Sample Code,主要功能是做固定 Duty 的 PWM 訊號輸出,使用 PWM1 來驅動 LED,透過 API 設置 PWM 的輸出頻率和 duty,讓 LED 0.5 秒亮、0.5 秒滅。 #Training #Basic #zh-Hant #Learning - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  影片長度 - 4:34
本影片主要介紹什麼是 PWM、PWM 的原理以及應用、比較 PWM, EPWM, BPWM 的差異,以及 EPWM 各種應用說明與其特色。 【Timeline】 00:00 intro 00:26 What is PWM 02:24 EPWM vs other PWM 03:02 EPWM Features (1/2) 03:43 EPWM Features (2/2) #Training #Basic #zh-Hant #Learning - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們:SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  入門  影片長度 - 25:41
新唐 NuMicro 微控制器家族 PWM 基本功能與範例介紹。 #Training #Basic #zh-Hant #Learning - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  影片長度 - 12:26
This video demonstrates two sample codes of PWM by Nuvoton M031/M032 evaluation board. The first sample code is about breathing light. The second sample code is about fixed PWM duty. The video includes the sample code description, source code tracing, and the steps to compile and download. You can also see how the sample codes work as well. Users could easily know how to use PWM sample codes and Nuvoton evaluation board by following the steps. #Level1Workshop #PWM #BreathingLight #Dynamic-PWM-duty #Fixed-PWM-duty #NuMicro #Nuvoton #MCU #SampleCode #Basic #General #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  影片長度 - 23:7
This video introduces the PWM function of Nuvoton’s MCU. It includes the basic knowledge of PWM, features of PWM in Nuvoton’s MCU, and how PWM is implemented in Nuvoton’s MCU. #Nuvoton #MCU #PWM #M0 #Basic #General #Training #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  影片長度 - 4:48
This video will introduce what is PWM, PWM principle and applications, EPWM vs other PWM and EPWM features. [ Timeline ] 00:00 intro 00:23 What is PWM 02:28 EPWM vs other PWM 03:13 EPWM Features (1/2) 04:02 EPWM Features (2/2) #Training #Basic #en #Learning - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  學習  入門  影片長度 - 25:41
新唐 NuMicro 微控制器家族 PWM 基本功能與範例介紹。 #Training #Basic #zh-Hant #Learning - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
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