
신원 보안용 USB FIDO 키

  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 3:27
    簡短說明新唐 M235x IoT Security MCU 系列產品的基本功能與安全特色,並實際展示新唐基於 M2354 系列開發的 Secure Smart Meter 搭配手機上開發的 APP 所顯示的即時讀錶數據 #M23 #IoT #Security #MCU #2022Roadshow #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General - 【2022 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 2:51
    各位觀眾大家好,今天介紹基於新唐 IC NUC980,以及奧暢雲雲服務所設計的頻外遠端設備管理方案,此方案使用 NUC980,運行 Linux OS,搭配奧暢雲所推出的設備管理系統軟體開發套件,實作出遠端操作設備的應用。 一般來說,伺服器的管理系統中,大致上可分為頻內以及頻外管理,頻內系統是作業系統運行時所使用的網路環境,頻外系統又稱熄燈系統,意思是指頻內的模組,在關機的情況下,我可以透過頻外設備,來對頻內的模組做操作,那大家可以看到以這次的 Demo 範例來說,Chili board 是作為OOB 頻外的模組,頻內模組由 Nvidia Jetson作為頻內的設備,Chili 可以透過外接的,GPIO 與 Jetson 平台的power control 相連接,所以我們可以透過 OOB 的功能,去對頻內的設備做操作,那接下來就讓我來示範如何透過頻外設備管理系統去做遠端設備的操作。 此解決方案使用NUC980 Chili board作為頻外模組,Nvidia Jetson 作為頻內模組,OOB 的 GPIO 與 In Band 的power control pin 相連接,達到控制 IB 開關的功能,頻外模組也外接溫度感測器,定時回報溫度到雲端,透過瀏覽器進入奧暢雲 DMS 服務,可以看到現在 IB跟 OB 都已經上線,那現在就讓我來實際操作一遍。 透過奧暢雲 DMS 的 Portal 介面可以看見不同的 Plugin,每一個 Plugin 為針對 IB或 OB 下的 command,都可透過奧暢雲 SDK針對使用情境來操作,點擊 Chili Control,可以看見從溫度感測器讀回的溫度回報,控制方面,這邊有 Power Cycling,可以透過 Power Cycling去對 In Band Module進行 Power On/Off 的動作,現在讓我來進行 Power Off。 可以透過奧暢雲 DMS 服務中,看見 Command 發送的流程,那現在可以看到 In Band Module,已經被 Out of Band Module power off 掉了,那同樣的我再進行開機的功能,可以看見 In Band Module再次被開機,也可基於此功能新增開關機的排程。 以上是這次頻外遠端設備管理方案的介紹,謝謝大家。 #NUC980 #Seminar #Basic #zh-Hant #Application - 【2021 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 4:32
    #zh-Hant #Application #Seminar #General #NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1 - 【2022 Roadshow專區】 精彩內容: - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 25:11
    Deepal Mehta Sr. Director, Business Development, InnoPhase IoT, Inc. Cloud Connected Ultra Low-Power Battery Operated IOT Sensors Sensors in the smart home and industrial automation applications need to be enabled with on device AI/ML capability while wirelessly connected and managed from the Cloud. Ultra-low power Wi-Fi wireless connectivity enabling battery life extending close to sensor device life is required to meet the challenging needs of today’s deployment with lowest TCO (total cost of ownership). Sensor to Cloud end-to-end Wi-Fi connectivity architecture which includes both platform level power management optimizations and higher performance are key to achieving always on cloud connected sensor emerging use-cases. Innophase IOT is focused on delivering to the promise of battery-operated Cloud connected IOT Sensor solution with its highly innovative platform level approach. – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 25:14
    Ali Sebt CEO, Sebtronix Business Group, Inc. As the worlds of OT (Operation Technology) and IT (Information Technology) converge, embedded designers need to take into consideration the risk their machines could pose by inadvertently exposing IT infrastructures to hackers. While Secure MCUs have matured over the years, the environment for embedded designers to take advantage of them has not kept up. We will discuss a new reference design that will enable embedded designers to implement security and protect the IT infrastructure that their machines connect to. – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 21:9
    Frederick Lin President & CTO, SunASIC Technologies, Inc. There is a significant gap between IoT and other IT applications, which requires different hardware and software architecture and business strategies to address the special requirements of IoT. We started the exploration with personal security products and ended up with a new ecosystem that is tailored for the IoT world. – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 20:56
    Dongsoon Hwang Vice President, Global Business Development, Security Platform Inc. How to protect smart meters from cybersecurity threats? – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU
  • 애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 18:48
    Robert Ling Senior Technology Manager, Microcontroller Application Business Group, Nuvoton To introduce how to utilize NuMirco® MCU and MPU products to ensure IoT security with embedded applications. Take the chance, explanation for roadmap of IoT security technology by Nuvoton. – Learn more about Nuvoton IoT Security platform: Shop online: Contact us: #seminar #en #general #Application #M2354 #M2351 #Nuvoton #新唐科技 #NuMicro #MCU
  • 제품  애플리케이션  세미나  Watch time - 3:45
    Introduce Nuvoton's GUI solution. Nuvoton GUI platform supports TFT-LCD with different interfaces and resolutions. The platform includes low power, high-performance MCUs (microcontroller), and MPUs (microprocessor) with built-in high-density DDR and graphics accelerator. We provide emWin, LVGL, Qt graphic libraries, and GUI tools such as AppWizard and SquareLine for you to easily create embedded system GUI. Today, we will give you a quick introduction of three of the NuMaker-HMI evaluation boards. ● NuMaker-HMI-M467 ● NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 ● NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 #en #Product #Application #General #Seminar #2023 Roadshow #Nuvoton #GUI #NuMicro #MCU #NuMaker-HMI-M467 #NuMaker-HMI-N9H30 #NuMaker-HMI-MA35D1-S1 - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • 도구  공부하다  Watch time - 14:35
    NuTool-LCDView is a software tool designed to assist in the development of COM/Segment LCD. This tool can directly generate LCD configuration code and provide developers with real-time LCD display effects on the PC without the need for a physical screen. LCDView allows developers to simulate, debug and complete LCD project development more easily and quickly. ● Download NuTool – LCDView: #Nuvoton #MCU #Basic #Tool #SoftwareTool #NuTool #LCDView #ML54 #ML56 #M254 #M256 #M258 #M2354 #Learning #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • 훈련  애플리케이션  도구  공부하다  Watch time - 7:37
    This video shows the HMI example code of emWin AppWizard by using Nuvoton M467 development board. It includes the description of the sample code, the explanation of the code, and the steps to compile and download the sample program. Finally, it shows the result of the operation of the HMI sample code, so that users can easily operate Nuvoton's development board and the HMI sample code according to the steps. #NuMicro #Nuvoton #Basic #Application #Tool #Training #Learning #en #HMI #M4 #N9H #MA35D1 #emWin #AppWizard #GUI - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us:
  • 제품  웨비나  Watch time - 47:49
    新唐 NuMicro M254/M256/M258 系列是新一代 32 位元低功耗微控制器產品,內建 LCD 驅動、電容式觸控以及 USB2.0 全速設備,本系列基於 Cortex-M23 內核支援 Armv8-M 指令集架構,工作頻率為 48 MHz,內建高達 256 KB Flash 及高達 32 KB SRAM,運作在 1.75V 至 5.5V 寬工作電壓和 -40℃ 至 105℃ 的工業溫度範圍。 M254/M256/M258 系列在正常運行模式典型功耗為 110 μA/ MHz,掉電模式 RTC 開啟與數據保持的功耗為 3.8 μA,掉電模式數據保持但 RTC 關閉的功耗為 2.2 μA,深度掉電模式最低功耗為 1.6 μA。當主電源斷電時本系列整合獨立的 VBAT 引腳仍能提供 RTC 獨立電源,使其更適用於電池裝置。 【講師】 微控制器產品經理:Chris 微控制器產品經理:Jenny 時間:2022/08/31 #CortexM23 #M254 #M256 #M258 #LCD #Webinar #zh-Hant #General #Product - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們
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